Fried vegetables a la plancha

A recipe for 5 people and a cooking time of 10 minutes.

To compose your pan, you will need :

  • 1 fennel medium-size
  • 2 tomatoes black Crimea
  • 2 celery stalks with their leaves
  • 2 medium-sized zucchini
  • 1 onion again
  • 12 radish roses
  • Fleur de sel
  • Olive oil

In the kitchen wash your zucchini, slice them thinly into quarter rounds. Wash and chop finely also the fennel and the celery. Chop coarsely the celery leaves. Cut the tomatoes into quarters. Finally, wash and chop your onion again.


As usual, apply a few drops of olive oil on your griddle and wipe with a paper towel. Turn on the position 2, on low heat, and wait 5 to 6 minutes. Pour a few drops of oil on the surface and up the power to 6. Do a cooking test by dropping a piece of zucchini. If the griddle is hot enough, add the rest of the zucchini and drizzle a few drops of olive oil. Let cook for about 6 minutes.

Cook the celery and the fennel to share. Add the radishes at the end of 4 minutes of cooking time and extend to 2 minutes. Add the onions in with the zucchini and let cook for about 2 minutes. Start to blend all the vegetables together. Add the tomatoes and let cook for 3 minutes so that they give a little juice. Add salt to taste... and serve in a serving dish. And then enjoy !

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