Beef Teriyaki sauce

A recipe for 5 people for a cooking time of 10 minutes.

The ingredients you need to make the recipe :

  • 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, poppy seeds, sugar
  • tablespoon of double concentrate tomato
  • 1 bouquet of herbs, chives, persil and chervil
  • 1 sirloin steak about 1.2 kg
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • Olive oil
  • Fleur de sel
  • 1 ginger root
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce

As usual, we start the recipe in the kitchen before we tackle around the plancha ! Start by stamping the herbs. Prepare the Teriyaki sauce by mixing in a bowl the soy sauce, finely chopped herbs, sesame oil, sugar, brown sugar, curry paste, lemon juice, a little grated ginger and 2 tablespoons of olive oil.


Let's tackle the fun part ! Apply a few drops of olive oil on your griddle and wipe with a paper towel. Turn on the position 2, on low heat, and wait 5 to 6 minutes. Pour a few drops of oil on the surface and up the power to 6. Drop the piece of meat and let it sear for 4 minutes. Season with salt, turn over to grill the other side. Poke a wooden skewer into the meat and leave it for 10 seconds. It will be used to check the cooking of your meat ! Place the spike on the tip of your tongue to check if the meat is warm inside. Once this is the case and that the meat is grilled on both sides, you can take it or continue cooking until it satisfies you. In the summer, reserve the meat for 1 hour in the refrigerator to stop the cooking and keep the meat well captured and still raw on the inside.

It is ready ! You can enjoy cold with sauce, or cut the meat into strips thick, and serve with the sauce !

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